Discovering Kendo

I am only seven years into my Kendo journey at the time of writing this, but I feel a strong urge to share this amazing martial art with others. In writing this, my goal is to convey the elements of Kendo that keep me motivated and invested in my practice, hoping to spark an interest in others to give it a try.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Switzerland – Paradise for Adventure

A trip to Switzerland always felt out of reach to me as a traveller. It was easy to believe that going there had to be expensive – especially after seeing pictures and researching costs. However, I am thrilled to write that exploring Switzerland is more accessible than you may think, especially if you are there to enjoy its stunning nature.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Learning at Work

While everyone has to engage with learning to grow in their career, it is essential to some people’s motivation, confidence, and mental health. If you are driven by learning as a need, then you already know that falling off track can be a significant source of pain and put you into what feels like survival-mode. At least this is how it felt for me when I hit a big slump about six months ago. Fortunately, this wasn’t the first time I’ve experienced this in my professional career, so I knew how to get myself out of it. In this post, I share my approach to getting back on track in hopes that it will help others who may be feeling stuck.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Basics of Holistic Wealth

The past year has been a particularly trying time, but also an opportunity to reassess what truly matters. While the concept of holistic wealth always made sense to me, it feels like i’ve discovered its nature for the first time. Exploring this topic brought a few takeaways that I want to share with you – the basics of holistic wealth.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Six Day Trip for under $800

While our original travel plans were impacted by COVID-19, it didn’t stop us from going on an adventure. Canada has much to offer when it comes to breathtaking views and there is no better time to explore it than today. We did a comfortable 6 day trip for under $800 per person, and it could be done for less.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Getting Unstuck: The Power of Questions

… there would be no more clear-cut paths, and the rest of my life would be completely up to me. While that very thought motivated me throughout my years at university, it became intimidating as I was getting closer to the end. I like to have my ducks in a row, and for the first time I felt like I didn’t have my shit together I had to untangle this mess in my head, and found that asking myself the right questions was the best solution to get over this phase of uncertainty.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Emotional Awareness: Recognizing Your Emotions And Their Effects

The awareness of how your emotion and thought patterns affect what you are doing is the foundation of emotional competence. If you lack self awareness, you are vulnerable to being sidetracked by emotions run amok. This awareness helps you to adjust and continually make improvements to improve performance in your life and career. The benefits of achieving competence in this skill includes the capacity to manage your impulsive feelings, stay motivated, have an understanding of how people around you are feeling and grow social skills including those that are essential for leadership and teamwork.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Mind Over Media

Addiction to social media is conquering us at an alarming rate, and leaving us with digitally-induced emptiness and a world overtaken by a virtual reality. In this post, I share my thoughts on how we can retain control of our minds while staying relevant and with the times.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Three Lessons About Money

Have you looked into your bank account, and thought “My goodness… Where did all of my money go?”. I’ve been in that situation more times than I would care to admit…As I approach the threshold of my final term in university free of debt, financially secure, and independent, I finally feel like I have something worthy to share. In this post, I share the three most important things I’ve learned so far.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Advice to Live By - An Unexpected Encounter

Advice comes in many shapes and forms … There was a moment during my adventure in the Peruvian Andes that I got pleasantly surprised… as the song began to unfold, the lyrics hit me hard. I found the words of Baz Luhrmann both relevant, profound and worthy of sharing.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
"Become like water" - The Gateway to Mastery

The dictionary will tell you that mastery is “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment” ( Sure - a master will be knowledgeable in their craft , but what does mastery really mean? What makes someone a true master in things like chess, kendo, judo, or even sales?

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Evgeny Gotfrid
The New Playbook For Work: Emotional Intelligence

The rules that govern professional success are changing. The new rules predict who is most likely to become a star performer and who is most prone to be derailed. Work environments have become more collaborative, team-oriented and growth-centered than ever before. There is less emphasis and glamour around being a solo, reclusive genius. In this new age, a forte in communication, integrity, adaptability, and leadership have become the leading metrics for workplace success.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Digging Your Well

Everyone has a different capacity to handle adversity, but we all tend to draw on a similar internal source for strength, willpower, and courage when we spend time outside of our comfort zone. I like to think of it as drawing water from a well when we are thirsty. In the story, my internal well was deep enough to get me by up to where I was, but not deep enough to support the person I wanted to become.

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Evgeny Gotfrid
Peru - Living in the Clouds

I’ve seen beautiful pictures of the Peruvian Andes growing up, and learned about the fascinating history of its people. It was time for me to see it with my own eyes. This post outlines a 10-day trip to Peru, breaks down costs, and includes a packing list.

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Evgeny Gotfrid